- All rentals must be approved and scheduled by the church rental coordinator.
- Please adhere to the scheduled date and time as others may be renting the same day.
- No use of profanity, alcohol, tobacco, drugs or immoral behavior allowed on the church properties.
- Second floor is off limits for use.
- No roller skates, bikes or other unauthorized toys are permitted on the gym floor.
- All decorations must be appropriately attached and detached so as not to damage any surface and must be removed at the conclusion of your event.
- Do NOT adjust temperature on thermostats.
- Appropriate tennis shoes should be worn while participating in athletic events while on the gym floor.
- All gym equipment will need to be requested for use. All equipment must be properly used and maintained and returned to its proper place of storage after usage. The renter is liable for any gym equipment that is broken or destroyed.
- Tables and chairs should be cleaned and returned to the storage room after usage. Do not sit or stand on tables.
- Tie up trash bags and leave in cans, then place cans outside kitchen area at side double doors facing the church building.
- Sweep the floor and clean up any spills that may have occurred.
- Ensure bathrooms are cleaned, toilets are flushed and trash cans emptied.
- Use of audio or video equipment must be authorized and monitored by a member of Oak Glen Baptist Church. All equipment and instruments are for use by proper church musicians. Children are not allowed on any instruments. The stage is off limits due to musical instruments and PA equipment.
Kitchen cleaning procedure
- Wipe off all counters in the kitchen area.
- Clean all dishes and cooking utensils and return to their proper place.
- Tie up trash bags and leave in cans, then place cans outside kitchen area at side double doors facing the church building.
- Sweep the floor and clean up any spills that may have occurred.
- All cooking equipment should be washed and returned to its proper location.
- All supplies, such as plates, cups, cutlery, etc. must be supplied by the renter.
- No person under the age of fifteen are allowed to operate the kitchen appliances.
- Make sure all appliances and lights are off when exiting the kitchen area.
The appointed church member will be responsible for opening and closing the facility and will be available to answer any questions or handle problems that may occur.
For any life-threatening emergency, call 911. The first aid kit is located inside the kitchen area. The AED (Automated External Defibrillator) is located on the wall in the Northwest corner of the building and should only be used by a trained professional.
For any life-threatening emergency, call 911. The first aid kit is located inside the kitchen area. The AED (Automated External Defibrillator) is located on the wall in the Northwest corner of the building and should only be used by a trained professional.